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Back in those days when English language was a must study for me as a secondary school student ( does anyone care in the Ivory tower if you have a good understanding of language), I always jump with joy when we have class exercises on word registers. It is one area that rewards extensive reading. It helps you familiarise with words that are associated with a particular topic, field or region. It is always interesting to see that words that mean one thing in a field is entirely different and could be wrong if used in another field. This is the exclusive beauty of word registers. Closely related to this is the widely accepted compilation of works which has knowledge graciously embedded in it; the ENCYCLOPEDIA. Be it Americana or Britannica, encyclopedia metallum or encarta encyclopedia. After a close observation of Nigeria's political terrain, I found it imperative that we have a word register to enable new entrants into mainstream politics and people on the sidelines understand the true meaning of words in Nigeria's political space. If you like, call. It Nigeriana encyclopedia or Nigeria political dictionary. You would agree with me strongly that in Nigeria, if your political party has only one state chapter because of a governor or due to a sit at the assembly, your party is automatically termed a progressive party. If you think that is not absolutely true, the party at the centre since 1999 has never been regarded as a progressive. We should ask our political watchers WHY? Also in this great nation of ours, only the opposition has the solution and the ruling party would always see the challenges. Let the table turn around and the once upon a time opposition would only see challenges too and the party that used to be in power would now only see the solution they didn't see while ruling. Have you noticed that words like bigot, tribalist and so are defined relatively by our politicians? If you are in their camp, you are a saint and the moment you step out, you either become a bigot, tribalist or a corrupt person. It would not surprise you that it is only in Nigeria that if you speak against a government, it means the opposition sponsored you and if you criticise the said opposition, you are the government's dog. They seem to believe that we do not have minds that are capable of functioning well. A wide range of odious definitions and meanings are found in the dictionary of an average politician in Nigeria. It does not however mean it is totally wrong or absolutely right because everyone of us seems to have this belief. Steven Biko said; "the most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed". Politrickians in Nigeria understand the above to the letter and uses it judiciously as they use their confusing meaning of words to destabilise us and mop up our collective wealth without our notice. It is therefore a point of duty that we all rise against the oppression through our minds so we can set ourselves free and by extension, our dear nation. Do you know that it is only in Nigeria that people celebrate those that cross-carpets? After all, there is no permanent friend or foe in politics they would say. Share one thing you dislike about politics ( and politicians) in Nigeria. Thank you for reading through.

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